Download Avast 2012 Full Serial Number
avast merupakan salah satu antivirus yang cukup ternama seperti halnya AVG maupun Avira dengan kelebihan serta kekurangan yang berbeda-beda dan juga para pengguna yang merasakan tentu sangat berbeda-beda sebab di seusaikan dengan situasi dan juga kondisi PC tiap pengguna :), kalau dilihat-lihat nih sobat pasti suka dong dengan beberapa dari antivirus yah salah satunya Avast Antivirus.
Berikut vitur-vitur yang din tawarakan Avast
simak baik-baik ya ulasan di bawah ini
1.Antivirus and anti-spyware engine
Innovative scanning engine protects against viruses, spyware, and other malicious agents.
2. Silent Firewall avast! Internet Security only
Stops hackers, using heuristic and behavioral analysis and a white list of safe applications.
3. avast! WebRep
Provides website reliability and reputation ratings according to community-provided feedback.
4. avast! CommunityIQ
technology uses a global network of sensors to provide us with data
taken (anonymously) from the actual web-browsing experiences of an
opt-in group of avast! users. This info is then used to protect all
avast! users with the most up-to-date information on viruses and
infected websites.
of avast! CommunityIQ, avast! has discovered 2,364 infected websites
and protected 23,758,480 people from visiting them in the last 30 days.
5.Boot-time scanner
Scans your computer for infections before the OS can start to activate any viruses beneath it (now applies to Windows 7 and Windows Vista).
Prompts users to run suspicious applications in the virtual Sandbox environment.
7.Intelligent Scanner
Reduces the number of required file scans up to 80% through a white list of safe applications. Files identified as safe are not rescanned unless they change.
dan banyak lagi kelebihannya Avast antivirus ini, jikalau sobat pengen Download Avast ataupun pengen coba di kompi sobat itu gak ada salahnya :D Monggo di download

=>Download Antivirus AVAST 2012 FullSerial Number
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